Thank You For A Great Year

September 2021

Aloha, this shall be the last letter from Pearl Harbor current President, Carol. At midnight on September 30, 2021 the gavel shall be the responsibility of incoming President Aladdin. I am sure those of you who have read my blabbering during this last year will be much happier to read our incoming presidentʻs words of wisdom in the future Kiwanis year of 2021-2022,

This has been another challenging year for all of Kiwanis, not just Div 22. We can only hope that all the lessons learned will be helpful in our furture AND we will not have to relive any of the ʻnot so good timesʻ, but still can cherish all the good times.

Pearl Harbor did have some wonderful times and continued to do what we could, when we were able:

  • Held our first virtual installation, during which we attempted a chinese auction. The best part was that we could still laugh about it in the end!

  • The Club was honored with three (3) new members.

  • We were able to continue distributing Kiwans Therapy Dolls to Shriners Children’s Hospital - Pali Momi Children’s Ward - Children’s Justice Center.

  • When the USS Missouri allowed us to return to continue our monthly work day at the Missouri, we went back and are hoping to bring back our Key Clubs to help when their schools and parents appove.

  • There were several times when we had the opportunities to help with food distributuions with various programs.

  • In the spring, we began holding our General Monthly Meetings in-person, while offering virtual at the same time AND we did the same for the Installation of the Incoming Officers and BOD and guests.

Mahalo nui loa for all the support given to me by the members of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor throughout the entire Kiwanis Year 2020-2021. You are all awesome and please know I really appreciate everything.

~ Carol L. Smith

President of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor