Sponsored Programs

Our sponsored youth groups independently initiate service projects and community service activities throughut the school year. Our club works through an adviser to support and coordinate our participation with their activities, service programs and fundraisers.

Aiea High School


Hanalani Schools

leilehua High School

Mililani High School

Pearl City High School

Waipahu High School

Key Clubs in Hawaii

The first Key Club was formed in 1925 in Sacramento, California and was originally an all male club. In 1952 McKinley High School became Hawaii’s first Key Club and was included in the California-Nevada District. In 1977, Key Club became co-ed.

The Key Clubs in Hawaii are a part of Region 18. In 2013 the region was split into 3 division that make up Division 22: Komohana, Hikina, and Makai. Komohana is made up of the Key Clubs from schools on the west side of Oahu. Hikina is made up of the Key Clubs from schools on the east side of Oahu. Makai is made up of the Key Clubs on Hawaii (Big Island), Kauai, and Maui. The Key Clubs that the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor sponsor are part of Division 22 Komohana.

The division mascot for Komohana is the honu (green sea turtle). When Komohana was first formed the first LTG Allana Carpio who was known as “Mama Honu” gathered input for the clubs and with her Division Leadership Team decided to make the honu the mascot. The honu represents the slow and steady positive impact that each project has on the student’s homes, schools, and communities. The division mascots for Hikina is the mano (shark) and Makai is the opihi (limpet).