August 2019
Although my drive to our August Mighty Mo service project was a brief seventeen minutes, I pondered on the thousands of service hours our Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor and our sponsored Key Clubs contribute each year to bettering our schools, homes, communities, and nation. Collectively, we make a difference contributing to the lives of more people than we will ever know. We are thanked by many for the hours of service we provide but there are service projects we complete that we never meet the benefactors of our labor. For example, a simple yet meaningful piece of history is forged from original Battleship Missouri teak into bookmarks. On the last Saturday of each month, our Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor Family works together sometimes making these bookmarks. The bookmarks are sold at the Battleshop where millions of visitors from all over the world see them, possibly purchase them and take this piece of history home. Our volunteer hours contribute to conversation starters, “the place I fell asleep” markers in books, a meaningful gift for history buffs, and a wonderful memory of a trip to where World War II ended. Community service is who we are and we do not need accolades or thank yous for the service we do. And since we will never meet all the benefactors of our service, I want to personally thank everyone in our Kiwanis Family for your commitment to doing community service. A sincere and heartfelt, thank you so very much, your service is appreciated by more than you know!
~ Judy Watanabe