Waipahu High School

Annual Meeting & Presentation of the Max Templeman Memorial Scholarship

May 2, 2023

The Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor held its Annual Meeting to elect the 2023-24 Officers and Directors. We presented two 2023 Max Templeman Memorial Scholarships to Carly, Immediate Past Komohana LTG, and Reiko, Immediate Past Secretary of the Waipahu Key Club. Congratulations to both deserving young leaders. Best wishes to them as they continue their education and service.

Salvation Army Angel Tree

December 3-10, 2022 @ Pearlridge Center

Pearl Harbor and our SLP helped at the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Key Clubbers from Aiea, Leilehua, Mililani, Pearl City, and Waipahu helped shoppers with their Angel Tree gifts. What a Merry Christmas it will be for our keiki and kupuna. Happy Holidays to our K-Family.

Key Club Takeover Meeting

November 1, 2022

The SLP of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor "took over" our meeting. We enjoyed a meeting with ice breakers, trivia, leaves of gratitude, 2022 Angel Tree kickoff and more. Our SLP from Aiea, Leilehua, Mililani, Pearl City and Waipahu came together to plan the night's meeting. Thank you to Meagan Cabbage of The Salvation Army for sharing the details of this year's Angel Tree Project. Our newest member, Curtis "Manny" Manchester joined us with his Tweed Tuesday attire. What a fun evening we had.

Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor Installation Luncheon

October 22, 2022

The Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor held their annual installation luncheon at the Aiea High School Library. Guests included Immediate Past LTG Jonathan, Past LTGs Joy and Joel, Komohana LTG Carly, Kaneohe Kiwanian Gavin, Aiea Key Club Pres Essence, Waipahu Faculty Advisor Alicia and members of the PH Kiwanis. IP LTG Jonathan retired and installed Officers and Directors include absentee Board Member Lynn and Pres Aladdin.

Key Club Takeover Meeting

November 2, 2021

In honor of Key Club Week, it was KEY CLUB TAKE OVER. Key Club officers and members from Aiea, Hanalani, Leilehua, Pearl City and Waipahu ran our meeting. They did an excellent job in hosting the meeting from start to finish including icebreakers, guest speaker, Key Club Trivia Kahoot game. Major Lynn Stewart, Executive Director at Kroc Center shared holiday service project ideas that included the 2021 Angel Tree Toy Drive at Pearlridge Shopping Center, gift sorting and packaging, gift distribution, and Red Kettles.