Heart of a Hero

February 2019

February is American Heart Month. All across America, people are encouraged to be heart healthy, make healthier lifestyle choices, and “live heart healthy lives.” Additionally, the iconic February red heart reminds us of Kiwanis Governor Rocci Barsotti’s theme this year, “Heart of a Hero.”

Max Templeman was one of the founding members of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor and will always have the “Heart of a Hero” for our club. Max believed in the power of education and could frequently be found speaking with Key Club members about continuing their education in college. He founded Assets School, a school that “makes a difference in the lives of children who learn differently.” For thousands of these students, Max’s school helped them continue to college and become successful community contributors. Upon his passing in 2005, Max donated money to the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor to award scholarships to its sponsored youth and the scholarship was named in honor of him. When the funds were depleted, the club was no longer able to award scholarships. Through fundraising efforts, the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor is happy to announce the rebirth of the 2019 Max Templeman Memorial Scholarship, a scholarship in honor of a founding member who truly had the “Heart of a Hero.”

~ Judy Watanabe

When Time Flies By …

January 2019

“For myself, personally, I am never really aware of timing or anything because I am passionate about what I do, so I have found that if you really love what you do, then time flies.” - Colm Wilkinson, Irish Tenor and Actor

Colm Wilkinson’s quote makes perfect sense if you are a Kiwanian. Our mission as Kiwanis is all about doing and loving what we do. 2018 flew by filled with activities improving the lives of children we serve. 2019 promises to be another busy activity filled year beginning with Living History Day on the Mighty Mo, otherwise known as the USS Missouri. Perhaps it was the shutdown of the Federal Government that caused more families to visit the Mighty Mo on that day. Both locals and visitors could be found exploring the USS Missouri. The ship bustled with families partaking in the children’s activities, viewing displays, and exploring the history and wonders of the Missouri. The steep stairs into the belly of the ship did not deter parents from carrying their children down to engage in a game of Battleship, color signal flats, color and wear a headband with a drawing of the Mighty Mo, take a fun picture in a Naval uniform, or spell their name with signal flag magnets. We were kept busy with each new family that braved the steep staircase to find a multitude of activities to do. Kiwanis are passionate about our vision of serving children of the world. There on the Mighty Mo, at Living History Day, we started our 2019 year being passionate about serving the children of the world and time flew by.

~ Judy Watanabe