Division 22 Kiwanis RTC

April 3, 2021

Division 22 Kiwanis RTC and Official Visit by CNH Governor Gary Gray. We had a morning filled with education from our Region 18 Key Club LTGs from Hikina, Komohana, and Makai. Then a brief breakout session to share challenges and successes of the past year. We ended with presentation of DSA/CSA/YSA awards to Kiwanians and members of the community. Region 18 Key Clubs presented Dunlap Awards to Roosevelt Kiwanis Advisor Pauline Hirohata, PLG and Damien Kiwanis Advisor Joel Tabangcura, and Maui High Key Club Kiwanis Advisor Bryce Thayer. Congratulations to all.

Pearl Harbor presented a Community Service Award to Myra Lau for her generous support of our Kiwanis Hospital Doll project.

Swimming for Service

February 20, 2021

"Swimming in Service" brought together four Key Club Divisions in CNH. LTGs from Div 15E SoCal Manta Rays, Div 22 Komohana Honus, Div 28S Las Vegas Seamonkeys, and Div 34 NorCal Aqua Apes collaborated and hosted a virtual interclub service project. Participants could create a collage depicting the preferred charities - UNICEF, March of Dimes, Children's Miracle Network, Kiwanis Family House; write letters to orphans to fill their day with love and aloha; and create origami bookmarks for students impacted by homelessness. It was time well spent on meaningful projects. Great job to our LTGs!

CNH District Mid-Year Conference

February 13, 2021

Division 22 participated in the virtual Mid-Year Conference. There were great workshops during the morning and afternoon sessions. Kiwanis International President Art Riley spoke at the awards luncheon where clubs and Kiwanians were recognized for their service. The "Red, White & Brews" District Foundation fundraiser was a lot of fun. Past LTG Joel brought home the bacon from the silent auction! And some of us enjoyed Materra Wine from the Cunat Family Vineyard. Brian Cunat was the 2002-03 Kiwanis International President.

LTG Official Visit

January 5, 2021

We started off 2021 with an Official Club Visit by our Division 22 LTG Joy Nishida. We were honored also to have LTG Joy induct our newest member, Dr. Melissa Machida into the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor. We are fortunate to have service and community minded new members join the K-Family. We look forward to accomplishing much more in 2021 and beyond. #KiwanisNeedsYou #KidsNeedKiwanis