Division 22 DCM - CNH Gov Tim Cumming's Official Visit

August 17, 2020

CNH District Gov Tim Cunning held his Official Visit to Division 22 this evening via ZOOM. Congratulations to Charlene Masuhara (42 years advisor to Hilo Key Club), Kari Sato (18 years advisor to Waiakea Key Club, and Pamela Kino (13 years advisor to King Intermediate Builders Club) for receiving the Youth Service Award (YSA). These awards honor individuals who give of themselves to empower children and promote their leadership development.

Komohana DCM

August 8, 2020 via Zoom

Komohana held their monthly DCM via Zoom. Congratulations to Amber Nakamura, Faculty Advisor of the Month; Carol Smith, Kiwanis Advisor of the Month; and Leilehua, Club of the Month!

Ho'ola Na Pua Presentation (hosted by Roosevelt High School Key Club)

August 6, 2020

General Meeting

August 4, 2020

Pearl Harbor held its general meeting via Zoom. Div 22 Key Club LTG Hollie, key clubbers VP Reiko (Waipahu) and Pres Trent (Pearl City) introduced Stay At Home projects as joint K-Family service projects. Letters Against Isolation asks us to create greeting cards that will be sent to elders in isolation. Folding origmai hearts to be given to senior care homes. We will have fun with these two projects. And don't forget Freerice and CharityMiles challenges.


August 2, 2020

CLE Part 2 of 2 was held from Noon - 5:30pm. Three workshops - President, Secretary, Treasurer. 2020-21 CNH Gov Gary Gray was on hand to assist with the Treasurer's workshop. Lots of great inforamtion for everyone. Thank you to our CLE Trainers Joshua and Neil and to our 2020-21 Div 22 LTG Joy for a getting the club leaders ready for the new year.