Delivery to Shriners Hospital for Children and Children's Justice Center

March 12, 2020

We delivered 10 Kiwanis Dolls to Shriners (Henriette) and 8 Kiwanis Dolls/3 blankets to Children's Justice Center (Carol).

Kiwanis Club of Honolulu General Meeting - Guest Speaker Lynn Araki Regan

February 26, 2020 @Jodo Mission of Hawaii

Delivery to Children's Justice Center

February 24, 2020

A dozen of our colorful Kiwanis Dolls was received by Charlene at the the Children's Justice Center on Oahu.

Pearl Harbor Kiwanis Board Meeting

February 23, 2020

Pearl Harbor Kiwanis Board Meeting. The Kiwanis Hospital Dolls is one of our Signature Projects. Here's a basket of 12 to be delivered to the Children's Justice Center. Thank you Roy for putting the final touches on these dolls.