Governor's Official Visit & Bowling Fundraiser

February 9, 2019

Oahu Kiwanis Interclub, Governor’s Official Visit @Aiea Hongwanji Mission

CNH Foundation Bowling Fundraiser @ Aiea Bowl

Division 22 welcomed Gov Rocci and First Lady Patti Barsotti for their Official Visit to Oahu Kiwanis Family. Distinguished Service Awards (DSA) were presented to Roy Fujinaka (Pearl Harbor) and Dr. Jacquie Maly (Kaneohe). There was a bowling fundraiser for the CNH Foundation in honor of Richard Minatoya. What a great time for everyone!

General Meeting - Guests Cynthia Arnold & Jonathan Vendiola

February 5, 2019

Cynthia Arnold and Jonathan Vendiola shared tips on how to keep your home safe and clutter-free. De-Clutter Hawaii has helped many elders downsize from their homes to senior living facilities. Be realistic and S.O.R.T.

Leilehua High School Peace Garden Cleaning

January 28, 2019 @Leilehua High School

Pearl Harbor Kiwanis and Leilehua Key Club held an interclub service project at the Leilehua High School Peace Garden. The Garden was dedicated on December 13, 2006 and was created so students would have a tranquil place to gather and reflect. Messages of peace written on slips of paper were placed at the base of the Peace Pole and permanently covered in concrete.

Living History Day (USS Missouri Service Project)

January 26, 2019

The annual Living History Day at the USS Missouri. It was also the 75th anniversary of the completion of the Mighty Mo. Pearl City and Aiea Key Clubs came out to help with the educational games for keiki and their families. We even saw LT Manny Manchester in period attire.

General Meeting

January 8, 2019

Thank you Roy for bringing hospital dolls for us to stitch at our first meeting of the year. We have 60 to donate to the Ronald McDonald House and 10 to donate to Shriners Hospitals for Children. We also presented new member Tad with his Certificate of Membership. Happy New Year to our K-Family!