Kaneohe Kiwanis Installation Banquet

September 27, 2018 @Kailua Hongwanji Mission

Pearl Harbor attended the Kaneohe Installation held at the Kailua Hongwanji. Congratulations to the Officers and Directors. Three of the four Oahu Presidents were there - Joy, Jacob, Judy.

Pearl Harbor Kiwanis Installation Banquet

September 15, 2018 @Aiea Public Library

The Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor held their annual installation banquet at the Aiea Public Library at 7pm. We were honored to have Aiea and Pearl City Key Clubs as well as Kiwanians from Alaka`i Young Professionals and the Kaneohe Clubs join us. Past LTG Eugene retired and installed our officers and directors. Thank you to our outgoing President Aladdin and we look forward to the new year with Incoming President Judy. Judy will sponsor Tad as a new member in the 2018-19 year. 

General Meeting - Making Therapy Dolls

September 4, 2018

We cut, sewed and stuffed hospital dolls. Thank you Mrs. Lau for prepping hospital dolls for us.

Tenrikyo Mini Bazaar

September 3, 2018

Judy and Kay volunteered in the Baked Goods booth at the Tenrikyo Mini Bazaar. All items SOLD OUT before noon.

Pearl City High School Club Rush

August 30, 2018

Pearl City Key Club held their annual Club Rush. More than a 100 students signed up to join.